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it's only words

For the last few weeks, I’ve been attending some seminars on how to write about your work. I felt it was really important to attend these because of the point of change I’m at with my practice right now. Engaging with these sessions has made me realise that words are really going to be the key and the answer to everything I need to know about what I’m going to do, and also how I am going to do it - funding applications, open call applications, etc. But as I’ve listened to the seminars and taken all of the information in, a long-brewing frustration has popped up again. Now, I know that this is not a unique-to-photography experience, and that all art relies on words to be explained, but sometimes it feels like no other medium relies on writing more than photography. This has always fascinated me. The specifics in which one has to go into when writing about photography seem incomparable to the way other work is written about. How is it that the most ‘accessible’ medium - in that it is thr...

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